Friday, March 13, 2020

Κορωναϊός: τι δεν ξέρετε αλλά έχει ήδη σημειωθεί σε Αρχαία Ελληνικά και Λατινικά Κείμενα όπου οι Κινέζοι δεν αναφέρονται ως Ένα Έθνος

Φίλος από την Ολλανδία γνωρίζει ότι από το 2010 ζω οικογενειακώς στην Ανατολική Αφρική και ότι σε μια από τις τρεις εταιρείες που διευθύνω έχω Κινέζους επιστημονικούς συμβούλους. Οπότε και από προσωπικό ενδιαφέρον με ρώτησε σχετικά. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι στην Αφρική (αρχικά Ερυθραία κι έπειτα Κένυα και άλλες τριγύρω χώρες) ξεκίνησα σαν υπάλληλος, αλλά με πολλή δουλειά, διάβασμα, πανεπιστημιακά διπλώματα δι' αλληλογραφίας και –κυρίως- συνεχή καθοδήγηση από τον Έλληνα εργοδότη μου (τον Μάρκο) έμαθα μάνατζμεντ, οικονομικά, όπως επίσης και καθημερινή ζωή (τρόπο ζωής) στην Ανατολική Αφρική, τοπικά έθνη, θρησκείες, νοοτροπίες, ήθη και έθιμα, και βεβαίως το αντικείμενο της δουλειάς.

Έτσι σταδιακά εξελίχθηκα σε γενικό διευθυντή, και ο Έλληνας εργοδότης μου με έκανε συνεταίρο του και με άφησε στο πόδι του, όταν αγόρασε εταιρείες και άρχισε να τις διευθύνει στο Καζακστάν πρώτα και μετά στην Κίνα (Πεκίνο). Δεν είχα ποτέ φανταστεί να έχω Κινέζους συμβούλους εδώ και οι δυο πρώτες εταιρείες έχουν αποκλειστικά ντόπιο προσωπικό: Σομαλούς, Ορόμο, Μπαντού, Λούο (: το έθνος του πατέρα του Ομπάμα) και Μασάι υπαλλήλους κι εργάτες. Αλλά όταν στήσαμε την τρίτη εταιρεία, οι μεγαλομέτοχοι (ο Έλληνας εργοδότης κι οι Καζάκοι και Κινέζοι συνεταίροι του) μας έστειλαν Κινέζους επιστημονικούς συμβούλους, γι' αυτό άλλωστε και μεις από πρόπερσι μαθαίνουμε και κινεζικά.

Όλα πήγαιναν μια χαρά, μέχρις ότου στα τέλη του Γενάρη φέτος ξέσπασε η ιστορία του κορωναϊού με ορμή. Αυτό ήταν μια ευκαιρία για να καταλάβω ότι, παρά τα παλιότερα τουριστικά και τα πιο πρόσφατα επαγγελματικά ταξίδια μου στην Κίνα, παρά τα κινεζικά που μαθαίνω (τα κλασικά των μανδαρίνων), και παρά την καθημερινή συνεργασία, φιλία και συζήτηση με τόσους Κινέζους εδώ στην Αφρική, δεν ήξερα την Κίνα καλά-καλά. Χάρη στον κορωναϊό την έμαθα αρκετά καλύτερα.

Στην συνέχεια παραθέτω ένα τμήμα της αλληλογραφίας μου με τον φίλο από την Ολλανδία και επιλεγμένα αναγνώσματα στα αγγλικά σχετικά με τον κορωναϊό. Αυτά καλύπτουν όλη την περίοδο από τα τέλη Γενάρη μέχρι αρχές Μάρτη. Δεν τα παραθέτω για να τα πιστέψετε αλλά για να προβληματιστείτε και να σκεφτείτε. Το 99.9% του τι δημοσιεύεται σχετικά, είτε σε mainstream media είτε σε εναλλακτικά σάιτς που καταφέρονται κατά της παγκοσμιοποίησης και σε social media, είναι εξεπίτηδες ψέμματα, επιστημονικά λάθη (ακόμη και ειδικοί έχουν εξαπατηθεί), κι ασυναρτησίες.

Άλλωστε, οι περισσότεροι από τους τάχα αντιφρονούντες και τους όποιους dissidents είναι πληρωμένοι για να παγιδεύουν τους πλείστους αναγνώστες σε όλο τον κόσμο σε ακίνδυνες για το παγκόσμιο κατεστημένο απόψεις, σε αφελείς θεωρίες, σε τιποτένιες ψευτοϊδεολογίες (όπως το έκτρωμα του εθνικομπολσεβικισμού) και σε ανυπόστατες ερμηνείες των γεγονότων. Αν πιστεύετε κάτι από όλα αυτά, δεν θα μπορέσετε ποτέ να καταλάβετε τι γίνεται τριγύρω σας και τι μέλλει γενέσθαι.

Εδώ σημειώνω μερικά καίρια σημεία που πρέπει να βάλετε καλά στο μυαλό σας για να μην αφανιστείτε έτσι όπως το παγκόσμιο κατεστημένο έχει προετοιμάσει. Δεν είναι ο κορωναϊός το πρόβλημα, αλλά ο ψευτοκόσμος μέσα στον οποίο ζήσατε χωρίς να το αντιληφθείτε, τον οποίο από αφέλεια ή ανηθικότητα αποδεχθήκατε, και από τον οποίο εξαρτηθήκατε. Και το πρώτο ψέμμα που πιστέψατε και θα σας σύρει στην εξολόθρευση είναι η ψευτοϊστορία που αποδέχεστε. Πόση σχέση έχει ο κορωναϊός με την ψευτοϊστορία που πιστεύετε ως αληθινή (αναφέρομαι μάλιστα σε ολόκληρη την Παγκόσμια Ιστορία), θα το καταλάβετε πολύ σύντομα.

Καθοριστικά Σημεία για να αντιληφθείτε τι είναι ο Κορωναϊός

1. Η Ιστορία που ξέρετε είναι όλη ένα ψέμμα που αποτελεί ένα μείγμα ψευτο-ερμηνειών και ψευτο-συνθέσεων που κάποιες από αυτές είναι χρήσιμες στους Ιησουΐτες, κάποιες στους Ψευτο-μασώνους, και κάποιες στους Σιωνιστές. Δεν υπάρχουν έθνη, όπως εσείς τα νομίζετε, στην Ιστορία. Δεν υπάρχουν Αρχαίοι Έλληνες, δεν υπάρχουν Αρχαίοι Ινδοί, δεν υπάρχουν Αρχαίοι Κινέζοι. Ούτε η Γαλλία είναι ένα έθνος, ούτε η Ρωσσία, ούτε η Μεγάλη Βρεταννία. Δεν υπάρχει αραβικό έθνος και οι Ισραηλινοί δεν είναι Ιουδαίοι, ούτε και σχετίζονται με τους Αρχαίους Ισραηλίτες. Το Ιράν δεν ταυτίζεται με την Περσία κι οι Ιρανοί δεν είναι ένα έθνος αλλά πολλά.

Η σημερινή Ινδία είναι ένα τυραννικό ψευτο-κράτος που θα σπάσει σε πολλά κομμάτια γιατί εκεί καταδυναστεύονται – χάρη σε μια σατανική ψευτο-ινδουϊστική ιδεολογία - πάνω από δέκα μεγάλα έθνη και πολλά μικρότερα. Εκτός από τους Ουϊγούρους, τους Θιβετιανούς και τους Μογγόλους που είναι σήμερα πολίτες της Κίνας, οι λεγόμενοι Κινέζοι δεν είναι ένα έθνος αλλά δύο.

2. Η Ιστορία της Κίνας ήταν πάντοτε μια καταδυνάστευση ενός έθνους από ένα άλλο. Οι βόρειοι κυριαρχούσαν πάντοτε πάνω στους νότιους και αυτό ήταν γνωστό σε μέσες άκρες σε όλους τους άλλους λαούς ήδη κατά την Αρχαιότητα, όπως άλλωστε έχει καταγραφεί και σε αρχαία ελληνικά και σε λατινικά. Οι βόρειοι Κινέζοι αναφέρονται ως Σήρες (Seres) και οι νότιοι Κινέζοι αποκαλούνται Σίνες (Sines).

Αυτά τα διαφορετικά ονόματα δηλώνουν ολότελα διαφορετικά καταγωγή, καθώς οι Σήρες ήταν συγγενικό φύλο με τους αρχαίους Μογγόλους και Τούρκους (εννοώ Turkic nations), ενώ οι Σίνες αποτελούσαν φύλα ανάμεικτα με Μαλαϊκά και άλλα νοτιο-ανατολικά ασιατικά έθνη. Η Ιστορία της Κίνας αποτελεί μια συνεχή διάκριση ανάμεσα στον πολιτισμένο και ιερό 'Βορρά' και τον βαρβαρικό κι ανίερο 'Νότο'. Τα διαφορετικά αυτά φύλα μπορεί να αποτελούσαν υπηκόους και επιτελείς των ίδιων αυτοκρατορικών εξουσιών αλλά δεν υπήρχε ποτέ ένας ενιαίος πολιτισμός αλλά μια απολυταρχική επιβολή του βόρειου, 'σηρικού', πολιτισμού πάνω στους νότιους, τους 'Σίνες' και παράλληλα μια απόρριψη του 'σηρικού' πολιτισμού από τους νότιους. Αυτή η διάκριση και διαφοροποίηση φτάνει μέχρι τις μέρες μας και πάντοτε ένας βόρειος περιφρονούσε ένα νότιο στην Κίνα, ευθέως αντιλαμβανόμενος ότι αποτελεί εκπρόσωπο διαφορετικού έθνους.

3. Ο κορωναϊός είναι ένα τεχνητό παρασκεύασμα της σημερινής εξουσίας της Κίνας (δηλαδή των βορείων) και αφορά τα δοκιμαστικά πλάνα της επιβολής μιας απόλυτης, τυραννικής εξουσίας σε όλη την χώρα αρχικά – και αργότερα σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο. Ουσιαστικά, καταγράφονται και μελετώνται οι αντιδράσεις στα μέτρα που λαμβάνονται. Τα κατασταλτικά μέτρα που έχουν εφαρμοστεί, με την βοήθεια προηγμένης τεχνολογίας, στην Κίνα είναι πέρα από κάθε μέτρο φαντασίας λαών του περισσότερου κόσμου από την Κένυα στο Περού και στην Βολιβία κι από το Μεξικό στην Ελλάδα και στην Τουρκία.

Για να σας δώσω ένα παράδειγμα, αν έχει διαπιστωθεί ότι έχετε συμπτώματα κορωναϊού και έχετε την ατυχή έμπνευση να μπείτε στο ... μετρό μιας πόλης, τα μεγάφωνα αμέσως θα ανακοινώσουν σε όλο τον συρμό το όνομά σας, τονίζοντας ότι είστε παρών εκεί. Και εννοείται ότι δεν πρέπει να είστε! Θα ανακοινωθεί το κινητό σας και θα εντοπιστείτε άμεσα!

4. Ο κορωναϊός είναι βέβαια τμήμα του λεγόμενου βιολογικού πολέμου, αλλά αυτό δεν έχει την έννοια, προς το παρόν, ότι πρόκειται για πόλεμο ανάμεσα σε καθαυτό κράτη. Δεν είναι ένας πόλεμος της Κίνας κατά των ΗΠΑ ή ανάποδα. Βεβαίως, η διαστροφή της σύγχρονης ψευτο-επιστήμης, η οποία είναι απλά και μόνο βρωμερό ψέμμα και οργανωμένο έγκλημα, έχει φτάσει σε τέτοιο επίπεδο που μπορούν ήδη να παρασκευασθούν ιοί προσχεδιασμένοι έτσι ώστε να εξοντώσουν ένα συγκεκριμένο έθνος, π.χ. τους Χάουσα της βόρειας Νιγηρίας, ή τους Ταϋλανδούς, ή τους Φιλιππνέζους, κοκ. Θα λειτουργήσουν ανάλογα με το DNA που θα τους έχει δοθεί.

5. Ο κορωναϊός ξέσπασε στην Ουχάν που αποτελεί τμήμα της Νότιας Κίνας και ασυγκρίτως περισσότερα κρούσματα και θύματα βρίσκονται στην Νότια Κίνα παρά στο βόρειο τμήμα της χώρας – από την Ουχάν (που είναι δυο πόλεις ενωμένες σε μία όπως στην Ουγγαρία η Βουδαπέστη) και νοτιώτερα. Τα νότια τμήματα της Κίνας έχουν περισσότερο τροπικό κλίμα (ακριβώς επειδή βρίσκονται νοτιώτερα), ενώ τα βόρεια, βορειο-ανατολικά, βορειο-δυτικά και δυτικά τμήματα της χώρας έχουν ηπειρωτικό κλίμα. Άλλωστε, όλη η Κίνα βρίσκεται σχετικά 'νότια' για τα μέτρα της Ευρώπης. Για παράδειγμα, το Πεκίνο που θεωρείται πολύ βόρειο μέρος στην Κίνα είναι περίπου στο γεωγραφικό πλάτος της Λάρισας – αλλά τον χειμώνα έχει περίπου τόσο κρύο όσο και η Μόσχα!

Άλλωστε όσο προχωρεί κάποιος από την Ευρώπη προς την Ασία, μένοντας πάντοτε στον ίδιο παράλληλο, αντίθετα από το τι θα νόμιζε κάποιος, θα έχει διαδοχικά πιο κρύο κλίμα. Η Νουρ-σουλτάν (πρώην Αστάνα) του Καζακστάν είναι νοτιώτερα από την δυτικώτερη Μόσχα αλλά έχει πολύ πιο κρύο κλίμα. Και αυτό το μετεωρολογικό χαρακτηριστικό των βόρειων εκτάσεων της Άπω Ανατολής ήταν επίσης γνωστό στους Αιγύπτιους, Έλληνες και Ρωμαίους που έπλεαν προς τα κει πριν από 2000 χρόνια κι αναφέρεται μέσα στον Περίπλου της Ερυθράς Θαλάσσης. Και τους βόρειους της Κίνας σήμερα δεν θα τους πείραζε καθόλου, αν μερικά εκατομμύρια νοτίων Κινέζων χάνονταν στο πείραμα αυτό. Οι νότιοι ήταν πάντα στην Κίνα τα πειραματόζωα.

6. Αρκετοί έχουν σημειώσει ότι στην Ουχάν ξεκίνησε δοκιμαστικά η 5G κινητή τηλεφωνία, για την οποία έχει ήδη αναφερθεί ότι αποτελεί κίνδυνο – θάνατο, επειδή τσακίζει το ανοσιοποιητικό σύστημα του χρήστη. Αλλά αυτό είναι μια σύμπτωση. Η δεδομένη εξάπλωση και διάδοση του παρασκευάσματος δεν αντιμετωπίζεται εχθρικά από άλλες κυβερνήσεις. Ουσιαστικά είναι ένα καλό κινεζικό δώρο στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο. Η Ελλάδα (: φυσικά και δεν εννοώ τον λαό αλλά την διεθνιστική ελίτ που κοροϊδεύει τον μέσο Έλληνα), για παράδειγμα, πρέπει να είναι ευγνώμων στην Κίνα που της προσέφερε την δυνατότητα να ελέγξει πόσο εύκολα μπορεί να απαγορεύσει και να επιβάλει την απαγόρευση του καρναβαλιού της Πάτρας. Πολύτιμες εμπειρίες που κάθε κυβέρνηση θέλει να έχει για να ξέρει σε ποιο βαθμό εξουσιάζει ή όχι την χώρα.

7. Τέλος, ο κορωναϊός κατεβάζει την αυλαία στον μεταπολεμικό κόσμο όπως αυτός ήταν όχι μόνον γνωστός αλλά πιστευτός ή αντιληπτός ως φυσικός. Και το κυριώτερο χαρακτηριστικό των τελευταίων 75 ετών ήταν η απίστευτη αύξηση του αριθμού των μεγαλουπόλεων, ο πολλαπλασιασμός των πληθυσμών που συνέρρευσαν εκεί, η εγκατάλειψη της υπαίθρου, και -όπως θα αναμενόταν- η αύξηση της ανομίας, της ανηθικότητας, της διαστροφής και της διαφθοράς στις ξεκομμένες από την φύση μεγαλουπόλεις. Τώρα όλο αυτό θα πάρει ένα άσχημο τέλος.

Εάν οι κατά τόπους ελίτ πανικοβάλλουν τον κόσμο, αυτό οφείλεται στο ότι το σημερινό σάπιο ανθρωποειδές των μεγαλουπόλεων είναι εγγενώς ανίκανο να λειτουργήσει αυθεντικά ως άνθρωπος και να απορρίψει την προπαγάνδα πανικού. Αντίθετα, ο άνθρωπος της φύσης και του χωριού (χωρίς τηλεοράσεις, βίντεο, καφενεία, γήπεδα και πολιτική) είναι ένας γερός μαχητής που πολεμάει τα στοιχειά της φύσης. Όποιος καταφύγει εκεί, δεν θα δει ούτε τουρίστες, ούτε γιατρούς, ούτε καραντίνες, ούτε νοσοκομεία. Κι αν κάποιο  δημοσιογραφικό κάθαρμα στυλ Χατζηνικολάου, Τρέμη, κλπ, πάει και του πει ότι ο κόσμος πεθαίνει από τον κορωναϊό, θα του απαντήσει ότι όλοι μια μέρα πεθαίνουν και ότι τέτοιοι που ήσαν, όσοι πεθαίνουν από τον κορωναϊό, καλά κάνουν και μας αδειάζουν την γωνιά.

Η ζωή στις μεγαλουπόλεις τελείωσε. Πρέπει να πουλήσετε ό,τι έχετε εκεί και να φύγετε όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορα. Καλύτερα μια παράγκα στο βουνό παρά το γοργά επερχόμενο, οικτρό τέλος των μεγαλουπόλεων. Καλύτερα να συνηθίσετε από τώρα να ζείτε μόνοι και να τρώτε βολβούς. Τα γλυκά των ζαχαροπλαστείων κι οι τηλεοπτικές συνταγές μαγειρικής θα έχουν μακάβριο τέλος, γιατί αντί να φάτε εσείς ένα γαλακτομπούρεκο, θα σας φάει το μαύρο φίδι.

----------- Απάντηση σε Φίλο σχετικά με τον Κορωναϊό ---------


Οπότε, με το που ξέσπασε το πρόβλημα στην Ουχάν (που είναι δυο πόλεις σε μία — δεν είναι όντως μία πόλη), ήταν φυσιολογικό να ρωτήσω τον Μάρκο για το ποια προληπτικά μέτρα θα έπρεπε να πάρω. 
Άκου τώρα για να …. σου πέσουν τα μαλλιά!

Οι Κινέζοι δεν ήταν ποτέ ένας λαός ή ένα έθνος. Ήταν από την Αρχαιότητα δυο διαφορετικές ομάδες εθνών: οι βόρειοι και οι νότιοι. Οι βόρειοι ήταν οι σημαντικοί κι οι πιο πολιτισμένοι, ενώ κι οι νότιοι οι λιγώτερο σημαντικοί, λιγώτερο εξελιγμένοι, λιγώτερο πολιτισμένοι, πιο βρώμικοι, κλπ. 

Αυτή την διαφορά την είχαν υπόψει τους οι Αρχαίοι Έλληνες και οι Ρωμαίοι που ποτέ δεν ονόμασαν όλους αυτούς που εμείς αποκαλούμε ‘Κινέζους’ με ένα όνομα. Στα αρχαία ελληνικά, οι βόρειοι ονομάζονταν Σήρες (στα λατινικά Seres) και οι νότιοι ονομάζονταν Σίνες (στα λατινικά Sinae και Sines). Διάβασε λίγα εδώ:

Οι Σίνες ζουν από τον Γιανγκτσέ ποταμό και νότια, ενώ οι Σήρες ζουν από τον Κίτρινο ποταμό και βόρεια.

Μεταξύ των δύο ποταμών έχουν αναμειχθεί Σήρες και Σίνες.

Ενόσω ο Μάρκος μου έλεγε τα παραπάνω, αναλογιζόμουν ότι ήδη ήξερα ότι οι βόρειοι Κινέζοι σήμερα βλέπουν πολύ περιφρονητικά τους νότιους, αλλά δεν ήξερα ότι το πράγμα έχει τόσο μεγάλες ρίζες. 

Η Ουχάν είναι πάνω στον Γιαγκτσέ, συνεπώς οι ντόπιοι ανήκουν στους νότιους. 
Το Πεκίνο είναι πολύ βορειώτερα από τον Κίτρινο ποταμό, οπότε καταλαβαίνεις είναι τόπος εξ ολοκλήρου βορείων.

Είπα μια στιγμή στον Μάρκο ότι ξέρω ότι οι περισσότεροι Κινέζοι σύμβουλοι της εταιρείας μας εδώ είναι βόρειοι.
Όμως κοκκάλωσα όταν μου απάντησε το εξής:
- Άδικα ψάχνεις! Τους έλεγξαν τα HR στελέχη μου που σου τους έστειλαν! Δεν έχεις ούτε ένα νότιο!

Έμεινα άναυδος. Ο Μάρκος συνέχισε λέγοντάς μου ότι στην εκεί εταιρεία του δεν έχει προσληφθεί ούτε ένας νότιος!
Του είπα ‘τόσο πολύ!’ και μου είπε ότι δεν άνοιξε μια εταιρεία για να αποτύχει ή να πεθάνει κι ότι οι βόρειοι δεν ανησυχούν ιδιαίτερα αν και υπάρχουν και ανάμεσά τους κάποια θύματα του κορωναϊού. 

Ο Μάρκος που και έχει κινεζική υπηκοότητα και είναι στέλεχος του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος (ο Θεός να το κάνει κομμουνιστικό) Κίνας με ρώτησε αν μπορώ να περιγράψω με ακρίβεια αλλά και συντομία την Κίνα. Του ζήτησα να μου το πει ο ίδιος, και απάντησε:

- Μια δικτατορία των Βορείων επί των Νοτίων.

Τότε θυμήθηκα ότι ο πρόεδρος Σι Ζινπίν είναι από το Ξιάν, την παλιά και ιστορική μεγάλη πρωτεύουσα της Κίνας που είναι βόρεια. 


Όχι, φίλε μου, δεν είναι η θερμοκρασία που παίζει ρόλο αλλά άλλοι παράγοντες.
Το υψόμετρο παίζει καθοριστικό ρόλο. Όσο πιο ψηλά τόσο πιο καλά. 
Και η ουσία είναι ότι όλο το πρόβλημα είναι στις μεγαλουπόλεις. Βέβαια υπάρχουν και ταξιδιώτες και τουρίστες, κι έτσι πολλοί αρπάζουν την αρρώστεια αλλού και την πάνε σπίτι τους σε μια μικρή πόλη — όπως έμαθα στην Ελλάδα, υπάρχουν κρούσματα στην Αμαλιάδα.

Πρόκειται για βιολογικό πόλεμο αλλά δεν έχει καμμιά διάσταση τύπου ΗΠΑ κατά Κίνας, κλπ.  

Όλες οι ηγεσίες των περισσοτέρων χωρών θέλου να ξεπαστρέψουν τους ντόπιους πληθυσμούς.

Οι Έλληνες είναι το πρόβλημα για την πολιτική εξουσία της Ελλάδας, όχι η Τουρκία.
Οι Τούρκοι είναι το πρόβλημα για τον Ερντογάν, όχι η Ελλάδα.
Οι Αμερικανοί είναι το πρόβλημα για το αμερικανικό κατεστημένο, όχι η Κίνα.
Και αντίστοιχα, οι Κινέζοι είναι το πρόβλημα για κινεζικό κατεστημένο, όχι οι ΗΠΑ. 

Ξέρεις για παράδειγμα ότι ο ιός μεταδίδεται και από …. εκείνους που δεν τον έχουν;

Αλλά τι τα θες;

Ο κόσμος δεν θα βάλει μυαλό και θα ξεπαστρεφτεί — και καλά θα πάθει.

Δεν επιτρέπεται να ζει κάποιος σε μεγαλουπόλεις. Απαγορεύεται το εκεί στυλ ζωής!

Και δεν κάνω λόγο για Σαγκάη, Κάιρο, Νέο Δελχί, Λονδίνο, Παρίσι, Νέα Υόρκη, και Αθήνα.

Ο κόσμος πρέπει να ζει σε κωμοπόλεις όχι μεγαλύτερες από τις εξής: Σιάτιστα, Νιγρίτα, Κόνιτσα, Λιδωρίκι, Κύμη Ευβοίας, Λεωνίδιο, Μεθώνη, Αστακό, Φιλιάτες, κοκ

Και βέβαια ακόμη καλύτερα σε χωριά έως 2000 κατοίκους.

Πάρτο χαμπάρι: τα Τρίκαλα είναι μια πολύ, πολύ, πολύ μεγάλη πόλη!!!!

Ο άνθρωπος δεν έχει ανάγκη τα νταλαβέρια και τις παρέες, τις συναντήσεις και τις διαδηλώσεις.

Όσοι θα επιβιωσουν, θα το πετύχουν χάρη στη μοναξιά και την απομόνωσή τους.
Χωράφι, δέντρα, σπαρτά, ζώα, και μια οικογένεια. 

Δεν θα έρθει η καταβαράθρωση αμέσως όπως πολλοί ισχυρίζονται.
Δοκιμαστικό είναι (εκ μέρους της παγκόσμιας εξουσίας) για να καταγράψουν αντιδράσεις.

Αλλά ο μεταπολεμικός κόσμος, θεοκατάρατος και σατανικός όπως ήταν, παίρνει ένα τέλος - κι όλα εδώ πληρώνονται.

Νάστε όλοι πάντα καλά κι ένα καλό Σαββατοκύριακο!
Ο Θεός μαζί σας!


Selected readings:

We Are Threatened By More Than Coronavirus: The Deadly Consequences of Wokeness and Identity Politics
March 7, 2020
By Paul Craig Roberts

We face more dangers—perhaps greater ones—than the coronavirus. Both the US as a community of people and its economy are under dangerous assault by forces of our own making. This article focuses on the threat to community.  A future article will address the threat to the economy.

Here are three examples of what has happened to the United States as a community of people:

In the first link above a college professor who emigrated to the US from the Soviet Union as a young woman describes the Sovietization of America.  She doesn’t mean that the economy has been communized or socialized.  She means the rise of denunciation in place of reasoned discourse.

Education has become the home of wokeness and Identity Politics. These ideologies allow “people to hound and persecute with impunity.  People love it because it allows a little person to completely destroy somebody who has done something great.  This is very human. Once you have removed any moral or religious obstacles to that behavior, what’s to stop anybody?”

On her campus, “We have this bias response team that prowls the campus looking for signs of non-compliance. We had the same thing in the Soviet Union. Right now they’re on campus, but eventually, they’re going to be in every workplace. If you have everybody in your workplace trained in diversity, then you can treat your workers however you like.”

In the workplace as well as in the educational system, the culture created by diversity and sensitivity training turns co-workers into enemies. “Either they can get you in trouble, or they are out to destroy you with an accusation. It destroys all sorts of communities – friendship, families, church communities. When you set people against each other, they are much easier to control. This is what it was like under totalitarianism.”  But in the United States, the conformity is not being imposed by the government.  It is the offspring of the leftwing that abandoned the working class, peace, and empathy for others. You can read this story in Diana Johnstone’s brilliant memoir of our time, Circle in the Darkness ( ).

The college professor says that in the “Soviet Union when you were a student and assigned to write a paper, you knew that the thing to do was to go straight to the correct books in the library and copy the relevant articles, word for word, with no deviations. That was your paper. When my family left, we arrived in Canada, and I entered the university there. When I was assigned my first paper, I found it impossible to believe that the teacher really did want me to think for myself. It was an incredible feeling! To think about something, and to say what I really thought about it! It was so weird, but so liberating. Now, I’m seeing young people who are just like we were in the Soviet Union. They are afraid to think for themselves. They only want to know what the “right” answer is, and repeat it. It’s depressing.”

She mentors early career academics, but the graduate students are not capable of producing scholarship.  Instead they turn in “collections of woke slogans.”  She says the students don’t even understand what she wants from them. “It seems like all they get in the schools is dogma. They have no real knowledge of anything – they just repeat slogans, and when you ask them to explain it, they turn blank.”

The American educational system has become a place where people are afraid to express opinions and debate issues. The slightest wrong thought or word can bring denunciation. They fear being marginalized, cancelled as a person, turned into a pariah. “If somebody departs from the dogma, even by an inch, that person is an evil, hate-filled bigot.”

She says it wasn’t this way 10 years ago, but quickly spread in academia and now the workplace like a virus among the population.

The second link above shows the consequence of decades of teaching American blacks to hate American whites. This highly destructive teaching of hatred is now being further institutionalized in the American educational system by the New York Times’ 1619 Project.  After the experience  in Russia and China of communists teaching people hatred of capitalists and the bourgeoisie and the hatred of Jews generated in pre-WWII Germany, why does the New York Times and the American Left want to repeat the experience here?

The third link shows that not even well-organized feminists, an influential victim group, are immune from woke attacks from the Identity Politics that enabled the feminists to rise as a denunciatory force.  Live by the sword and die by the sword. This seems to be the future of America. The liberal attack on religion did not liberate people or their consciousness. 

The liberal attack liberated evil from moral control.  In a multicultural society, the danger is apparent.


Wuhan woman with no symptoms infects five relatives with coronavirus: study
FEBRUARY 22, 2020

(Reuters) - A 20-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, traveled 400 miles(675 km) north to Anyang where she infected five relatives, without ever showing signs of infection, Chinese scientists reported on Friday, offering new evidence that the virus can be spread asymptomatically.

The case study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, offered clues about how the coronavirus is spreading, and suggested why it may be difficult to stop.

“Scientists have been asking if you can have this infection and not be ill? The answer is apparently, yes,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, who was not involved in the study.

China has reported a total of 75,567 cases of the virus known as COVID-19 to the World Health Organization (WHO) including 2,239 deaths, and the virus has already spread to 26 countries and territories outside of mainland China.

Researchers have reported sporadic accounts of individuals without any symptoms spreading the virus. What’s different in this study is that it offers a natural lab experiment of sorts, Schaffner said.

“You had this patient from Wuhan where the virus is, traveling to where the virus wasn’t. She remained asymptomatic and infected a bunch of family members and you had a group of physicians who immediately seized on the moment and tested everyone.”

According to the report by Dr. Meiyun Wang of the People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou University and colleagues, the woman traveled from Wuhan to Anyang on Jan. 10 and visited several relatives. When they started getting sick, doctors isolated the woman and tested her for coronavirus. Initially, the young woman tested negative for the virus, but a follow-up test was positive.

All five of her relatives developed COVID-19 pneumonia, but as of Feb. 11, the young woman still had not developed any symptoms, her chest CT remained normal and she had no fever, stomach or respiratory symptoms, such as cough or sore throat.


Coronavirus: How Dangerous is it? Hint: Don't Trust the Media

Did you know that according the the most recent update (Jan. 18th) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "so far this season there have been at least 15 million flu illnesses, 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths from flu." See "Key Points" on this CDC webpage to verify this statement.

And on this CDC webpage reporting U.S. annual statistics, "influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010." This CDC webpage further states, "between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses each year."

That's roughly 100 deaths every day in the U.S. and over 1,000 every day worldwide from the flu. Since it first began spreading over a month ago, the Coronavirus has taken a couple hundred lives in China, where more than that many die in a single day there from the regular flu. So why is the Coronavirus drawing such huge attention worldwide? How dangerous is this new virus?

Most people are well aware that the media makes money through publicizing tragedies and focusing on bad news. Fear sells. "If it bleeds, it leads." Fear-filled news makes money for corporate sponsors of the media, and the more fear generated, the greater the profits. So when a new virus results in any significant number of deaths, it's only natural that major media around the world hype it up with fear-mongering. Look how much attention this new virus has already drawn. How much has the media gotten you focused on this new development?

Governments have also contributed to spreading fear. An article in the U.K.'s Guardian spells out how government officials promulgated fear-filled pronouncements at the time of the swine flu. The U.K.'s chief medical officer stated on BBC that "65,000 could die" in Britain, peaking at 350 corpses a day. Yet at the end of the day, the article continues, a total of "360 people have died under its influence, most with prior 'non-flu' conditions."

Another glaring example can be found in this eye-opening 2009 CBS article that states, "If you've been diagnosed 'probable' or 'presumed' 2009 H1N1 or 'swine flu' in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn't have flu at all." The article goes on to show how the U.S. government's CDC blatantly manipulated numbers to induce fear.

With the current heightened level of fear, many in China who experience even mild symptoms of the flu are deeply concerned that they might have the Coronavirus. So they immediately go to the hospital only to find it is jammed packed with others who have flu-like symptoms, when – even if they do have a virus – the vast majority of these people have only a common version of the flu. The overwhelm in the hospitals then gets spotlighted by the media, further exacerbating the level of fear, even though the hospital overwhelm has little relation to the relatively few numbers who actually have Coronavirus. So panic reigns even when the real threat is much less than feared.

Why has China locked down the entire city of Wuhan (population 11 million) and it's surrounding areas? Consider that with it's one-party system, China is one of the most controlled and surveilled countries in the world. Chinese citizens are not allowed to access facebook and thousands of other websites which might "contaminate the thoughts" of their people. Could it be that China is using this virus as a huge social experiment in crowd control? Is this an effort to see how much how much control China's communist party can generate through all the fear mongering?

Consider also how the swine flu, avian flu, and SARS all drew widespread fear. The whole world was in deep fear that one or all of these diseases was going to kill many millions worldwide. These "pandemics," the media warned, could even cause large parts of the world to be quarantined. Yet in the end for all of these, the number of deaths worldwide was far less than those for the normal flu.

The media and certain corporations and individuals profit handsomely from all this fear. Pharmaceutical stocks soar during disease outbreaks that get huge publicity. Gilead Sciences made money hand over fist with its sales of Tamiflu during the avian and swine flu scares. According to this Washington Post article on the swine flu, "The WHO's response caused widespread, unnecessary fear and prompted countries around the world to waste millions of dollars. [They] relied on advice from experts with ties to drug makers in developing the guidelines it used to encourage countries to stockpile millions of doses of antiviral medications."

This 2014 Reuters article states, "Researchers who have fought for years to get full data on Roche's flu medicine Tamiflu said ... that governments who stockpile it are wasting billions of dollars on a drug whose effectiveness is in doubt." And further, "The United States has spent more than $1.3 billion buying a strategic reserve of antivirals including Tamiflu, while the British government has spent almost 424 million pounds ($703 million) on a stockpile of some 40 million Tamiflu doses."

The vast majority of those Tamiflu reserves were never used. Even after the shelf-life of the drug was extended from five to seven years, the billions of dollars spent worldwide on Tamiflu during the avian and swine flu scares are now useless. So Roche/Gilead pocketed hundreds of millions in profit that we as tax-payers paid for.

To add another twist, an article in the U.K.'s respected newspaper, The Independent stated, "The drug Tamiflu, given to tens of thousands of people during the swine flu pandemic, does nothing to halt the spread of influenza and the Government wasted nearly £500million stockpiling it, a major study has found." And the side effects nearly killed a number of children.

Did you know that former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who was once chairman of the board at Gilead, personally made a windfall of $5 million from sales of Tamiflu? This was reported in the U.K.'s respected newspaper, The Independent on March 12, 2006. The article strangely was later removed from their website, though you can still find it using the Internet archive at this link.

There are many other reasons to suspect that the Coronavirus outbreak is being greatly exaggerated and people are being manipulated into a position of fear. For lots more, see independent journalist Jon Rappoport's extensive reporting on the many manipulations he's uncovered related to the Coronavirus. And for summaries of the best media articles revealing intense manipulations around the avian and swine flus, see this highly revealing webpage with abundant links for verification of the claims made.

If this information raises serious questions about how and why all of this is happening, remember that fear is used by many groups, corporations, and even governments to gain greater control and reap immense profits. Explore an excellent two-page essay titled "Creating a New Paradigm," which shows how and why we are controlled and, more importantly, what we can do about it. By educating ourselves and spreading the word, we can rise above the fear mongering and make a difference in our world. Thanks for caring.


Bad Decisions Have Spread Coronavirus
February 25, 2020
By Paul Craig Roberts

The coronavirus was spread throughout China by travel associated with the Chinese new year.  Now the virus is being spread throughout the US by travel associated with spring break.

The coronavirus escaped from China, because governments and airlines waited too long before they stopped flights in and out of China. The US government and airlines are waiting too long to stop domestic flights in the US.

Government carelessness is also a contributor to the spread of the virus.  President Trump agreed that the US passengers who had been quarantined for weeks aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan who were free of the virus would be flown to the US on two chartered planes, but the 14 Americans who tested positive for the virus would remain in quarantine.  However, State Department officials and a top US health official instead flew back the infected Americans on a plane with uninfected passengers.  It is entirely possible that the health passengers were infected and now are spreading the virus.

In Europe the virus is now spreading from Italy, because European Union officials refuse to implement border controls.  By refusing to take sensible actions until the situation is out of hand, governments then resort to widespread mandatory quarantines.

The virus appears to be an engineered bioweapon that escaped from the level 4 lab in Wuhan.  My understanding is that the development of bioweapons is prohibited but nevertheless is done in a number of countries.  The fact that governments are complicit in the illegal activity means that they cannot acknowledge that the virus is man-made.

To prevent future escapes, publics must demand the cessation of bioweapon research.

Globalism is also a culprit in the spread of the virus.  The interdependence that globalism creates means that there is constant travel across national borders that serves to spread illnesses globally.


Coronavirus Update
February 25, 2020

According to this report, an article published in Antiviral Research concludes that CoVid-19 coronavirus ia found to contain unique “gain-of-function” property “for efficient spreading in the human population.”

Further, the science paper finds that there is no known viral ancestry to the CoVid-19 coronavirus, meaning it did not evolve from nature. It was engineered, and the science paper authors also state that the virus contains elements from MERS, stating, “Before the emergence of the 2019-nCoV, this important feature was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.”

The abstract and full PDF (paid) of the study are available through this link at

Top CDC official says coronavirus will spread throughout the US.  


This link describes the spread of the virus outside China:

This report from Reuters says coronavirus can spread asymptomatically, which means people can be contagious but never show any symptoms or ever come down with the virus.  

In other words, Typhoid Mary

Chinese Scientists Find Coronavirus Did Not Originate In Wuhan Seafood Market:

Russian scientists:  “We Cannot Rule Out Man Made Origin of these Infections”

China tightens security at Wuhan biowarfare lab:

Hopeful news:

News from China is that the daily number of new cases is falling. Time will tell if the decline in new Chinese cases holds.

These are updates from:

News Updates From CLG 22 February 2020
All links are here: U.S.

Marines and Navy Prepare to Execute Pandemic Plan–Questions Resurface About Coronavirus Origin| 20 Feb 2020 | Responding to the coronavirus outbreak in China, where tens of thousands of citizens suspected of being infected with coronavirus (COVID-2019) have been detained and involuntarily takento quarantine camps, on Feb. 1, 2020, an executive order was issued by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, directing the U.S. Northern Commandto implement the DoD’s Global Campaign Plan for Pandemic and Infectious Diseases. On Feb. 12, 2020, orders were sent to the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy directing “geographic combatant commanders to execute their pandemic plans in response to the NCOV outbreak.” The U.S. Marine Corps directive told combat commanders to “review, update and validate existing disease containment plans and policies in order to implement procedures for response, isolation, quarantine, restriction of movement and community-based intervention” and to “become familiar with authority to declare a public health emergency, restrict movement, quarantine and isolate [and[ coordinate with Federal, State, local, and military treatment facilities and public health emergency officials…” The U.S. Navy directive stated, “DoD will continue to follow CDC guidance and comply with local public health authorities during this outbreak.”

US military prepping for coronavirus pandemic–Esper directs Northern Command, geographic combatant commanders to initiate pandemic plans| 07 Feb 2020 | U.S. Northern Command is executing plans to prepare for a potential pandemic of the novel coronavirus, now called COVID19, according to Navy and Marine Corps service-wide messages issued this week. An executive order issued by the Joint Staff and approved by Defense Secretary Mark Esper this month directed Northern Command and geographic combatant commanders to initiate pandemic plans, which include ordering commanders to prepare for widespread outbreaks and confining service members with a history of travel to China. The Navy and Marine Corps messages, issued Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, reference an executive order directing U.S. Northern Command to implement the Department of Defense Global Campaign plan for Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Diseases 3551-13.

Pentagon to extend availability of 4 military bases to help with coronavirus efforts – official| 15 Feb 2020 | The Pentagon on Saturday said it will extend the availability of four military installations to act as temporary housing through March 15 in an effort to help the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) manage the novel coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. Lt. Col. Chris Mitchell, a Defense Department spokesman, confirmed the move to Fox News and said the Pentagon will continue to assist HHS by providing support at the following installations: Travis Air Force Base, Calif.; Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas; Fort Carson, Colo., and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif. The Defense Department will also provide necessary equipment for passenger and cargo handling, a facility for briefing passengers, office space for 50 HHS personnel, equipment, bedding and linens, as available, Mitchell said.

Did coronavirus originate in Chinese government laboratory? Scientists believe killer disease may have begun in research facility 300 yards from Wuhan wet fish market–Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology concludes that ‘the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan’ –WCDC is just 300 yards from the seafood market and is adjacent to the hospital| 16 Feb 2020 | Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market. A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province. And as well as the WHCDC, the report suggests that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could also have leaked the virus, as has previously been reported by MailOnline… The report concludes that ‘the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.’

Hubei Doctors Warn of Even Deadlier Coronavirus Reinfection, Causing Sudden Heart Attacks–Meds for virus damage heart tissue| 15 Feb 2020 | Doctors working on the front lines of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak have told the Taiwan Timesthat it’s possible to become reinfected by the virus, leading to death from sudden heart failure in some cases. “It’s highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn’t help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure,” reads a message forwarded to Taiwan Timesfrom a relative of one of the doctors living in the United Kingdom. The source also said the virus has “outsmarted all of us,” as it can hide symptoms for up to 24 days. This assertion has been made independently elsewhere, with Chinese pulmonologist Zhong Nanshan saying the average incubation period is three days, but it can take as little as one day and up to 24 daysto develop symptoms. Also, the source said that false negative tests for the virus are fairly common. “It can fool the test kit – was there were cases that they found, the CT scan shows both lungs are fully infected but the test came back negative four times. The fifth test came back positive.” – Taiwan Times.

Trump furious Americans infected with coronavirus flew back to US without his permission – report| 22 Feb 2020 | President Trump was furious that 14 Americans infected with the coronavirus returned to the United States without his permission rather than remain in quarantine overseas, according to a new report. Trump had been briefed that the healthy U.S. passengers who spent weeks quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan would be allowed to fly home on two chartered planes — while those who were sick or infected would stay in Japan to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. The president became “furious” with senior advisers after learning the 14 Americans who tested positive had been put on a plane with healthy passengers, according to The Washington Post. One official told the paper that the failure to inform Trump of the decision in advance of the plane’s departure was a “big operational mistake.”

Trump was not told coronavirus-infected Americans would be flown home from cruise ship| 21 Feb 2020 | President Trump grew furious with senior advisers this week over a decision to allow 14 Americans who tested positive for coronavirus to return to the United States from Japan after being assured that infected patients would remain in quarantine overseas, according to administration officials. Trump and the administration’s coronavirus task force were told last Saturday that Americans who had spent weeks in quarantineaboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship where the virus had spread to hundreds of passengers would be brought home on two chartered planes — but that patients who had symptoms or the infection itself would stay in Japan. Trump was briefed on the decision and agreed that healthy passengers should not be on the plane with sick ones, three senior administration officials said. But the State Department [deep-state terrorists out to destroy the US economy] and a top U.S. health official ultimately decided to bring back the 14 Americans who tested positive for the virus on the planes and place them in isolation — without informing the president first.


Asians Far More Susceptible to Coronavirus than Other Races, More Likely to Die, Just Like SARS - REPORT
If true, this radically lessens the likelihood of a global pandemic.

With the mounting concern about the growing Coronavirus we are republishing this article we published 7 days ago, taken from the excellent anti-imigration site, which if true, is hugely important to understanding the potential global growth of the Coronavirus. Unfortunately Vdare does not have a comments section, so it is hard to gauge how much engagement that article has gotten.

We have been following the people we think are the smartest Coronavirus analysts, like Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity, and have not seen anyone address this issue, which is odd, to say the least, considering the implications. We cannot attest to the veracity of the science, but we assume that someone like Martenson could sort it out. If anyone as a connection to him, please bring it to his attention. It is very important. As the days pass, the thesis of this article seems to be being proved out - Chinese are succumbing to it in the hundreds of thousands, but there are hardly any white victims, and what few there are do not seem to be getting very sick.

Martenson has been putting out daily Coronavirus update videos on his YouTube channel, starting 3 weeks ago, which have been racking up millions of views, a testimony to the quality of his analysis. He has been saying from the beginning that there is a very significant likelihood that this is much more serious than SARS, or anything else we have seen come along, and that mainstream analysis is dramtatically underestimating this risk. He is a good person to follow to understand what is happening. Here is one of his recent videos below, to give an idea of his approach:

New Research Suggests The Coronavirus May Be Far Worse Than We Thought

At the time of writing, 170 people have died of the Wuhan Coronavirus [Coronavirus Live Updates: Death Toll Rises, as Foreigners are Evacuated, New York Times, January 30, 2020], though that number is bound to have increased by the time this article is published. All of these deaths have been in China. The disease has spread to at least 16 other countries, including Canada, the USA, France, Germany, Finland, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, and a number of East Asian countries [This is where Wuhan coronavirus cases have been confirmed worldwide, by Eric Cheung, CNN, January 30, 2020].

The Main Stream Media, in Western countries, is stoking panic with rolling news coverage on the spread of the possibly Apocalyptic new plague [Corona Virus Outbreak, by Matthew Weaver et al., The Guardian, January 30, 2020]. But what nobody is openly reporting: the race of the victims. They appear to be all Asians—specifically, the yellow race formerly known (accurately but now Politically Incorrectly) as “Oriental.”

Thus two Coronavirus cases were just confirmed in the U.K. [Coronavirus: UK patient is University of York student, BBC,com, February 1, 2020], But if you read the article, both turn out to be “Chinese nationals.” Similarly a recent headline of The Helsinki Times read “First case of Wuhan Corona virus confirmed in Finland,” [January 29, 2020]. But it turns out to be a Chinese tourist in Lapland, not a Finn.

In fact, as far as I can tell, all of the confirmed cases have been of Chinese people. According to Sri Lankan radio, the case in Sri Lanka was a “Chinese tourist” [Sri Lanka suspends visa on arrival for Chinese travellers after confirmed case of Corona virus, News On Air, January 28, 2020]. So are the cases in France and the one in the United Arab Emirates [Coronavirus is spreading as FIVE people in France are now confirmed to have the illness and Chinese traveller from Wuhan is quarantined in Finland, by Sam Blanchard, Mail Online, January 29, 2020].

If it is true that only East Asians are dying of, or even catching, Corona, that would be consistent with long-established race differences in the susceptibility to such viruses. This has been explored in a fascinating study, by a group of Chinese researchers led by C. L. Chen of Soochow University, entitled: Ethnic differences in susceptibilities to A(H1N1) flu [African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009].

The authors begin by noting that, from an evolutionary perspective, there is every reason to expect there to be ethnic or race differences in the susceptibility to different pathogens. Races—or, as they call them, “ethnic groups”—are breeding populations, long-separated, usually by geography, who are, therefore, genetic clusters adapted to different ecologies. Because they were exposed to different pathogens in prehistory, there are very likely to be race differences in susceptibility to the pathogens and in how well the immune system can fight them.

Many infectious diseases jumped the species barrier from animals to humans due to our close contact with animals while pursuing agriculture. For this reason, groups that never innovated agriculture, or who only innovated it in a limited form or only relatively recently took it up, can be decimated by flu-like viruses.

Thus the authors observe that the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 was three to 70 times more deadly to “natives” in Canada and the USA, as well as to the reindeer herding Saami people in Sweden and Norway, than it was to the rest of these countries’ populations. This is because most white and black people are descended from those who have long practiced farming. The authors add that the Swine Flu Pandemic of 2009 was five times more deadly to Maori people than it was to other New Zealanders.

The Corona Virus is closely related to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) [Coronavirus vs. SARS: Health experts on the key differences between the two outbreaks, by Sam Meredith, CNBC, January 28, 2020], of which there was a major outbreak in 2003, which also began in China in 2002.

According to Wikipedia (which is, presumably, politically neutral on such numbers), total of 774 people died across 29 countries. This amounted to almost 10% of those who caught it. Potentially in line with the findings of the Chinese researchers, the mortality rate for SARS in Europe was almost nil. Minuscule numbers of people caught it and only one of them died, in France (where there were an, atypically high, 7 cases).

By contrast, in Hong Kong the mortality rate from SARS was 17%. In Taiwan, it was 10%. In Canada, it was 17%, but it seems pretty obvious that they were all “Chinese Canadians,” what with there being so many Chinese people in Canada and documented attempts made to “help” them (specifically) deal with the virus [see Beyond SARS: ethnic community organization's role in public health—a Toronto experience, By W. Dong, Promotion and Education, 2008].

In Singapore, 13% of those who caught SARS died out of 238 cases. Other countries had very small numbers of cases or, as with Vietnam, their medical access would have been sub-optimal, rendering it difficult to make comparisons.

But essentially it can be said the SARS was an East Asian disease which, like Corona, can be traced to bats. SARS didn’t severely impact the rest of the world, despite people definitely catching it. It disproportionally killed East Asians. See SARS: The Immigration Dimension II, by Walter Pringle,, April 24, 2003.

This effect was so pronounced that, Wkipedia reports, “Many Chinese believed that the SARS virus could be a biological weapon manufactured by the United States, which perceived China as a potential threat.” (Ironically, the financial website ZeroHedge has just been banned by Twitter for reporting speculation that the Corona virus was developed during Chinese research into bioweapons—a ban that ZeroHedge attributes in a scathing post to U.S. capitalists’ notorious desire to appease China).

The difference between the two strains: the Corona virus, according to experts, is nothing like as deadly as SARS. Its mortality rate appears to be about 2% . It ‘s mainly taking people with serious pre-existing health conditions [Coronavirus vs. SARS: Health experts on the key differences between the two outbreaks, by Sam Meredith, CNBC, January 28, 2020].

So if I wanted to tempt fate, then I’d write the following:

The Corona virus is a virus that, for whatever reason, East Asians are susceptible to but other races are not, just like SARS. None of our people are going to succumb to this condition. The MSM’s constant hyping is just a way of making people panic, because people are more susceptible to being indoctrinated when they panic.

By not reporting the race of those who have caught this disease in Europe, unnecessary panic is being fomented among Europeans…so that they can be more easily inculcated with the message than “race differences don’t exist, because race is a social construct.”

But race differences do exist. Race is a biological reality. And these kinds of viruses help to prove that.

Lance Welton is the pen name of a freelance journalist living in New York.


Coronavirus brings China's surveillance state out of the shadows
Yingzhi Yang, Julie Zhu 

BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - When the man from Hangzhou returned home from a business trip, the local police got in touch. They had tracked his car by his license plate in nearby Wenzhou, which has had a spate of coronavirus cases despite being far from the epicenter of the outbreak. Stay indoors for two weeks, they requested.

After around 12 days, he was bored and went out early. This time, not only did the police contact him, so did his boss. He had been spotted near Hangzhou’s West Lake by a camera with facial recognition technology, and the authorities had alerted his company as a warning.

“I was a bit shocked by the ability and efficiency of the mass surveillance network. They can basically trace our movements with the AI technology and big data at any time and any place,” said the man, who asked not to be identified for fear of repercussions.

Chinese have long been aware that they are tracked by the world’s most sophisticated system of electronic surveillance. The coronavirus emergency has brought some of that technology out of the shadows, providing the authorities with a justification for sweeping methods of high tech social control.

Artificial intelligence and security camera companies boast that their systems can scan the streets for people with even low-grade fevers, recognize their faces even if they are wearing masks and report them to the authorities.

If a coronavirus patient boards a train, the railway’s “real name” system can provide a list of people sitting nearby.

Mobile phone apps can tell users if they have been on a flight or a train with a known coronavirus carrier, and maps can show them locations of buildings where infected patients live.

Although there has been some anonymous grumbling on social media, for now Chinese citizens seem to be accepting the extra intrusion, or even embracing it, as a means to combat the health emergency.

“In the circumstances, individuals are likely to consider this to be reasonable even if they are not specifically informed about it,” said Carolyn Bigg, partner at law firm DLA Piper in Hong Kong.



Scientists may have figured out where 2019-nCoV, the virus behind China’s growing pandemic, came from.

The viral outbreak began at a seafood market in Wuhan, China that sold both butchered meat and live animals. A team of Peking University of China researchers suspects that the original culprit wasn’t one of the fish — arguing instead that an infected snake likely set the whole thing off, according to New Scientist.

While it’s too soon to say with certainty that a snake infected patient zero, the research is an important step toward understanding the mysterious disease.

“We are excited about this new speculation,” Haitao Guo, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh who didn’t contribute to the research, told New Scientist. “We need more experimental evidence, but it gives us a clue.”

To uncover the virus’ source, the scientists compared samples from human patients to viruses found in a variety of animals. The study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Medical Virology, revealed that 2019-nCoV closely resembled viruses found in bats, but were even more similar to snake viruses.

Not everyone is convinced: University of Glasgow virologist David Robertson told Nature News that there’s no evidence to suggest a reptilian virus could infect people, and that the bat hypothesis is more likely. Another possibility, he said, is that an intermediary animal got sick and passed the virus along to humans.

“Nothing supports snakes being involved,” Robertson told Nature. “The intermediate host is the missing piece of the puzzle: how have all these people got infected?”

A snake virus — or whatever it was — would have made its way to humans through the air. Feces particles being dispersed by the wind is more likely than transmission through a bite, according to New Scientist.

It’s even technically possible that two viruses from a bat and a snake combined to form 2019-nCoV, University of Washington researcher Peter Rabinowitz told New Scientist.

“It’s still speculation, but if the virus is in the secretions or feces of the snakes,” Rabinowitz, who didn’t work on the new study, told the magazine, “it would be possible to aerosolize and be breathed in if there were enough snakes and enough people.”

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